See what's new in the JRoseverse!
(newest is on top)
1-10-25 The rewrite's calendar was added
11-22-24 PRSS2 's excerpt was added (happy release day!)
11-18-24 PRSS2 's Amazon info was added and it was put on the main rewrite and book pages
11-15-24 POTO Rewritten Short Stories Volume 2 was added to 'POTO Books'
8-11-24 Rewrite Christine's dress up game was added to her page!
8-11-24 The POTO page captions became white for easier viewing and 'Home's sneak peek pic was changed
7-16-24 A POTO puzzle was added
7-10-24 POTO Rewritten's series icon turns gray when covered over!
6-14-24 Christine the Love Detective's audiobook was added
3-14-24 POTO Rewritten Short Stories Volume 1 was added
1-20-24 The Opera Ghost's AISNs were added
1-15-24 A spiffy contact page was added
1-9-24 This page was added!
1-8-24 The Opera Ghost was released